The objective is to develop a modular grid management solution consisting of a set of interoperable off-line and on-line software tools for an optimized design, planning, operation and maintenance of the electricity grid – with a special focus on distribution network – that will be offered to grid operators through an open-source software platform. These tools will support DSOs and TSOs to move from a traditional grid management approach to an active system management approach, addressing the whole power system (i.e. both distribution and transmission level) and considering the rapid deployment of distributed energy resources (variable renewables and storage) as well as growing environmental concerns.
The overall solution and each of its modules will be developed, tested, and validated in close collaboration with 2 DSOs from 6 different EU countries, providing a set of representative use cases, thus ensuring the replicability and uptake of INTERPRETER solution across Europe.
Atos is leading the business model development and implementation, all the collaborative actions and results. Moreover, from the technical side, Atos is leading the Integration of modeling tool and SW applications in a common framework and existing platforms.